Membership or Affiliation
SIA Members are an exclusive, close knit network of national and regional Shotokan organisations, single dojos, and individual Shotokan practitioners. Members have access to skill development, high-level instruction, technical training, and internationally recognised rank and certification. Members who join us, come with a desire to enhance, build on, and upon expand the technical and philosophical foundations of the JKA style of Shotokan karate.
The benefits of membership includes, but are not limited to: instructor training and certification, dan and kyu examination and ranking, training camps, on-line instructor and training resources, peer recognition, competitions and seminars.
Members benefit from access to technical and organisational guidance and support from regional senior instructors and advisors.
Criteria for Membership:
Must be Shotokan style club or group and be able to verify lineage to JKA based instruction
Must be willing to meet or exceed technical standards as set by SIA
Must be willing to support SIA activities whenever possible
SIA Affiliates compose an interactive consortium of Shotokan groups and individuals with recognised existing highly technical standards. Unlike other multi-association karate organisations, the Affiliation is not competition based and does not require exclusivity of membership.
Benefits of affiliation include: recognition of mutual certification and grades, the potential for regional/world Shotokan camps and seminars, non-politicized interaction with senior instructors and students from a variety of recognized organisations, and the limitless value of shared knowledge.
Please note that SIA Members automatically receive affiliation status.
Criteria for affiliation:
Must be Shotokan style club or group and be able to verify lineage to JKA based instruction