Membership or Affiliation


SIA Members are an exclusive, close knit network of national and regional Shotokan organisations, single dojos, and individual Shotokan practitioners. Members have access to skill development, high-level instruction, technical training, and internationally recognised rank and certification. Members who join us, come with a desire to enhance, build on, and upon expand the technical and philosophical foundations of the JKA style of Shotokan karate.

The benefits of membership includes, but are not limited to: instructor training and certification, dan and kyu examination and ranking, training camps, on-line instructor and training resources, peer recognition, competitions and seminars.

Members benefit from access to technical and organisational guidance and support from  regional senior instructors and advisors.

Criteria for Membership:

  • Must be Shotokan style club or group and be able to verify lineage to JKA based instruction

  • Must be willing to meet or exceed technical standards as set by SIA

  • Must be willing to support SIA activities whenever possible


SIA Affiliates compose an interactive consortium of Shotokan groups and individuals with recognised existing highly technical standards. Unlike other multi-association karate organisations, the Affiliation is not competition based and does not require exclusivity of membership.

Benefits of affiliation include: recognition of mutual certification and grades, the potential for regional/world Shotokan camps and seminars, non-politicized interaction with senior instructors and students from a variety of recognized organisations, and the limitless value of shared knowledge.

Please note that SIA Members automatically receive affiliation status.

Criteria for affiliation:

  • Must be Shotokan style club or group and be able to verify lineage to JKA based instruction

Please contact Chairman Edmond Otis directly –



Membership Fees

National Organisation Membership: $350 USD per year (includes all dojos and individual members in organization)

Individual Dojo Membership: $150 USD per year (includes all individual members in dojo)

Individual Membership: $100 USD

Dan Fees

Dan examination fee: $100 USD

Dan registration and certification fee –

Shodan        $125 USD

Nidan           $150 USD

Sandan        $175 USD

Yondan        $200 USD

Godan         $250 USD

Rokudan     $300 USD

Nanadan and above – no fee


National Organisation Affiliation: $200 USD 1 time fee (includes all dojos and individual members in organization)

Individual Dojo Membership: $100 USD 1 time fee


We welcome direct membership and seek affiliation with like-minded groups

Please send questions and statements of interest regarding Shotokan International Alliance
membership or affiliation directly to Chairman Edmond Otis at